Coast Guard Physical


 More teamwork and physical training will be going down during week three. By this time, you may be physically exhausted and at the end of your rope. Don’t quit! Your body just needs some time to get used to the rigorous training. You can do this!

 At this point, you’ll likely be well-versed in military customs and proper etiquette. You’ll also grow to become more familiar with Coast Guard drills.

 You’ll finally take your official physical fitness test this week. By now, it should be a breeze for you! You’ll also be required to take a mid-training exam that will test you on everything you’ve learned up until this point. During this week, you may be asked to fill out paperwork denoting what location you’d like to serve in and what type of unit you’d like to be placed in for your first assignment.

 By the end of this week, you’ll likely have your first official assignment in your hands. Of course, you’ll be doing as much physical conditioning as the past few weeks, too.

 These weeks are filled with more of the same: physical conditioning, drills, classroom instruction, and more. You’ll also likely dive into practical learning, like first aid and watch standing (a.k.a. watch keeping), during these weeks. You may even begin preparing your travel arrangements for your first assignment post-basic training and taking a final exam.

 Week eight involves a little bit more learning regarding your military entitlements, but it’s mostly reserved for graduation preparation.

 Coast Guard basic training graduation is held in the training center’s gymnasium. The ceremony usually starts at 1100 on Friday mornings. Your family should receive a letter from the training center before graduation letting them know all the details about your specific graduation date.

 If you have a family member who’s embarking on Coast Guard basic training any time soon, you can check below for valuable resources regarding graduation attire, contacting your recruit, and what you should send them while they’re busy training to serve the country.

 You can send a letter to your recruit during Coast Guard basic training. Recruits will not be allowed to call home or receive calls during training.

 If you have an emergency and need to contact a recruit in a timely manner, you will have to get in touch with your local Red Cross office. They can get a message to your recruit quickly, so you don’t have to wait for them to receive a letter via snail mail.

 You are allowed to send letters to your recruit, but you cannot send care packages or anything similar. Don’t try to send large boxes full of snacks and creature comforts because they’ll be immediately confiscated as contraband. There are many recruits and limited space, so only letters to your recruit will be allowed.

Coast Guard Physical

 Provided you look presentable, there are no precise rules for family members looking to attend their recruit’s graduation ceremony. Want to play it safe? Go business casual! No one will reprimand you for wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, but you might want to represent your recruit a little bit better than that.

 Coast Guard basic training is far from easy. With the right preparation and proper mindset, you can tackle it and be a star recruit. But that means you have to put a lot of effort into training and learning during your time in boot camp and even before.

 Experience and service on military or foreign vessels is creditable towards eligibility for a U.S. Merchant Mariner’s Credential (MMC). Such service is subject to evaluation by the Coast Guard to determine that it is a fair and reasonable equivalent to service acquired on merchant vessels of the United States, with respect to grade, tonnage, horsepower, waters, and operating conditions.

 Satisfactory evidence of U.S. military service means a Transcript of Military Sea Service or certified History of Assignments (a DD-214 is not sufficient evidence of sea service). If you do not already have proof of military sea service, you must fill out a Request Pertaining to Military Records (Form SF-180) to obtain your official Transcript of Military Sea Service. Send the request with your name and a return address, printed legibly, to the address of the record custodian for your branch of service noted on the back of the request form. In addition, if you are requesting records from before 1973 you should include your service number; after 1973 include your social security number.

 Satisfactory evidence of foreign sea service must meet the requirements for proof of service for qualified ratings noted in section I.C. above. If the documentation is not in English, then a certified translation should be included.

 You must be at least 16 years of age before obtaining a Merchant Mariner’s Credential (MMC). If you are between the age of 16 and 18, then you must present a notarized statement of consent from a parent or legal guardian providing written permission for you to go to sea.

 (For TWIC or if you are not a us citizen) When submitting your application package for evaluation, you must include a copy of the proof of citizenship. You must present the original evidence of citizenship prior to issuance of an MMC. If your name on your proof of citizenship does not match the name you are now using, then proof of legal name change is required. Acceptable proof of name change may include original court documentation, original marriage/dissolution of marriage certificate, or original school records. Acceptable proof of citizenship and birth date is any one of the following:

  Certificate of Naturalization (If you are a naturalized citizen, then you must submit this certificate) Baptismal Certificate or Parish Record recorded within one year after birth Statement of a practicing physician certifying attendance at the birth and who possesses a record showing the date and location at which it occurred State Department Passport A Merchant Mariner’s Credential issued by the Coast Guard which shows the holder as a United States citizen Delayed Certificate of Birth issued under a state seal Certificate of Citizenship issued by the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service What if I am not a U.S. citizen? You may still be considered for an MMC, but you must provide documentation that you are a permanent resident in possession of an Alien Registration Card issued by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). In addition, you must also submit proof of foreign citizenship. Documentation that is not in English must include a notarized translation.

 If you are applying for an original MMC, then you must establish proof of having a Social Security Number (SSN). Acceptable proof is a Social Security Card issued by the Social Security Administration (SSA). When submitting your application package for evaluation, you must submit a copy of your card. You must present the original card prior to issuance of an MMC. Your card must bear the same name appearing on your proof of citizenship and your application. If you have lost your card, you must apply for a duplicate card from the SSA. If you present a duplicate card or letter from the SSA, it must have your SSN on it. Plastic, metal or laminated cards are not acceptable.

  Physical Exam Report (submit pages 3-4): CG-719K Certification of Fitness for Entry Level Ratings: CG-719K/E Medical and Physical Evaluation Guidelines: Medical NVIC USCG 2006-25080 Medical Waiver Submission Form: MLD-FM-REC-171 Article Regarding the Importance of Physical Evaluations: NVIC Outreach Article March 2007 When is a physical examination required? The table below lists when a physical examination is required for renewal:

 If you are renewing a Certificate of Registry, Merchant Mariner’s Credential (MMC) with Lifeboatman, or MMC without qualified ratings and you plan to serve on a seagoing vessel beyond the boundary lines, then you need to provide proof of physical agility, strength, and flexibility. For more information, see Section D below.

 If you are renewing a License or a Merchant Mariner’s Credential with a qualified rating other than Lifeboatman (LBMAN), then you must submit an original physical examination report ( Form CG-719K ) completed by a U.S. Licensed physician, physician’s assistant, or nurse practitioner within one year of the application. This report must certify that you are in good health and have no physical impairment or medical condition which would render you incompetent to perform the ordinary duties allowed by your credential. Please ensure this form has been completed entirely. Delays in approving applications are frequently the result of incomplete physical examination reports. For example, if you are taking any medications prescribed by your physician, then your physician must have all of the medications disclosed in block 15 of the form with a statement regarding whether or not you experience any side effects from them. If side effects are experienced, they must be listed. If no side effects are experienced, then a statement to that effect must be included.

 Renewal of a License as deck officer or Merchant Mariner’s Credential as Able Seaman (AB) or Tankerman (TKMAN): You must have uncorrected vision of at least 20/800 in each eye, correctable to at least 20/40 in each eye. You must also possess normal color vision as determined by one of the methods listed on the CG-719K Physical Examination Report.

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